Tax free weekend

Hints To Make Tax Free Weekend Work To Your Advantage


South Carolina Tax Free Weekend Is Aug 5-7, 2016. When most people think of  Tax Free Weekend, they think of back to school clothes, computers, home goods and college stuff. 

When I think of Tax Free Weekend, I think of sweet discounts at my local tack shop. Most people don't realize the benefits of shopping at the tack shop for Tax Free Weekend. Pretty much if you can wear it, it's tax free. So that means if you need new paddock boots for around the barn, or a new helmet it's tax free.

Many of our brands have strict pricing guidelines, that rarely ever let us put any of their products on sale. Of course these are typically the most popular brands, that everyone is trying to find the best deal on. For these select brands, tax free weekend is the best time to make these purchases. Find out when your states tax free weekend is and make plans to stop in and get fitted for that new helmet, or those new boots and be treated to some rare savings on that exclusive brand. 

Waiting for Tax Free weekend can save you $25.00 or more on a new Samshield helmet. Maybe your a clothes horse and Tailored Sportsman breeches are you thing, plan on saving more than $10.00 per pair. Then of course there are those every day items that we equestrians go through like water. 

Although not terribly expensive, boot socks, gloves and hairnets get pricey throughout the season. If you're like me, you wear a hair net every time you ride because it's just a habit.  Gloves,are my nemesis, either my fingers shoot through the tips or I am missing one of a pair. Seriously, there is a one handed glove gnome in my barn with all of my lost left gloves providing decor in his abode. This is a great time to stock up on your favorite things you use daily and take advantage of that discount. 

So research when your state's Tax Free time is, plan ahead, and make a list of what you need to keep you ready to ride.  

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