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AJR Twisted Hinge Pelham Bit

AJR Twisted Hinge Pelham Bit

Regular price $218.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $218.95 USD
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We love the innovative design of the Twisted Hinge Pelham Bit, a sophisticated bit that merges control of a Pelham with the precision of a twisted design and the comfort of a hinge mechanism.

The Pelham aspect of the bit combines the direct pressure of a snaffle with the leverage effect of a curb, offering riders a versatile range of control options. This dual functionality is particularly effective for horses that need more guidance than a snaffle can offer but are too sensitive for a strong curb bit. The ability to use two sets of reins allows for subtle adjustments between the snaffle and curb actions.

Incorporated into this Pelham is a twisted mouthpiece design, which provides additional control for strong or less responsive horses. The twisted structure creates multiple pressure points in the horse’s mouth, which can lead to a more attentive response. However, this increased control means the twisted design should be used with care and finesse by experienced riders.

Enhancing this bit’s design is the hinge mechanism, which addresses the common issue of the nutcracker effect seen in single-jointed bits. The hinged mouthpiece adapts to the horse’s mouth’s natural contours, offering a more even and gentle pressure distribution. This feature is especially beneficial for horses with sensitive mouths, as it reduces discomfort and enhances communication.

The Twisted Hinge Pelham Bit is an excellent choice for competitive and advanced riders seeking a high-performance bit that balances control with horse welfare. Its combination of Pelham versatility, the precision of a twisted design, and the comfort of a hinge mechanism makes it a valuable addition to any rider’s tack collection, providing a sophisticated and effective means of communication with the horse.

(Increased control means the twisted design should be used with care and finesse by experienced riders!!)
  • Twisted Hinge Pelham
  • Hinged mouthpiece
  • Combines the direct pressure of a snaffle with the leverage effect of a curb
  • Precision of a twisted design and the comfort of a hinge
  • Versatile range of control options
  • Can lead to a more attentive response
  • Twisted structure creates multiple pressure points
  • Mouthpiece adapts to the horse’s mouth’s natural contours
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Mouth Thickness: 12mm
  • Size:
    • 135mm
**Due to the contagious nature of the equine disease EHV 1, and per biosecurity measure guidelines suggested by the American Association of Equine Practitioners, The Farm House will no longer accept any returns on bits or bit accessories.**
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