Happy Mouth Bit Production Delays
Michelle DrumHappy Mouth bits are synonymous with happy horses, who wouldn't love an apple scented bit? Recently Happy Mouth announced delays and changes to their inventory. We did some investigating and found out why they are so hard to get all of the sudden.
As some of you may be aware, during the pandemic, Happy Mouth production was affected by COVID19 in several ways. The manufacturing facility was shut down for by the virus for several weeks. Once the factory re-opened for production, more delays arose out of raw material delays.
For several more weeks Happy Mouth experienced more production delays due to lack of raw materials. The manufacturing plants which make the components of the polymer used in the popular mouth pieces were still closed for the pandemic.
Once other raw good manufacturing facilities slowly opened up, Happy Mouth was able to restart production. Nearing the end of 2021, Happy Mouth was back to near pre-pandemic production levels. We were finally able to restock our selection of their bits.
Earlier in 2022, Happy Mouth announced their intent to relocate the manufacturing facility to a new area. We were told by the distributor that Spring of 2022 Happy Mouth would be shutting down manufacturing and closing the current manufacturing facility in order to facilitate the move. We were advised the estimated time from for the Happy Mouth manufacturing facility to be back up and running would be some time in early 2023.
Upon hearing this, we over ordered with the distributor to increase our inventory in anticipation of the upcoming closure and delays. As of right now, we understand the facility relocation is on schedule. However, the availability of their bits currently is dwindling.
We hope this solves some of the mystery about why Happy Mouth is getting so hard to find at the moment. We have orders in with the distributor and as soon as Happy Mouth is back up and running at full production, we anticipate replenishing our stock as quickly as possible.