It seems to be a similar story each year here in The Carolinas... Summer weather tends to linger longer than we would probably like and then in a blink of an eye the temperature drops 50 degrees overnight!
While we enjoy this refreshing change, we need to take a minute to keep an eye on our equine friends, these types of changes can cause a higher risk of Colic, keeping our good friends at Tryon Equine Hospital very busy.
There are a few important changes to your horse's behavior to be mindful of. For instance with a sudden temperature drop your horse may have a lessened interest in drinking. Dehydration is commonly observed when we have drastic changes in weather and can be an early sign of colic.
Horses are herbivores and grazers by nature, they are meant to be constantly grazing to keep their gut moving at all times. When horses stop drinking they become dehydrated and the lack of fluid in the gut slows the digestion process, eventually leading to impaction colic which can lead to surgery or even death if not treated promptly.
Here are some ideas to entice your picky drinker and increase his fluid intake!
"Soup For Dinner"
In this weather I often give my horses 'soup for dinner' for a meal or two.
I flood their meal with warm water until it's a soupy texture, they may make a mess but I know they are hydrated.
Soak Your Horse's Hay
Another idea is to serve soaked hay if your horses are either stalled or turned out where hay is usually thrown. The soaked hay is a great way to sneak them some water. Soaked hay cubes is are another great option too.
"Bobbing For Hay Cubes"
One of my horses is a very fickle drinker in general, especially if we go to a competition venue. I have found that letting him "bob for hay cubes" is something that keeps him entertained as well as hydrated. I always make sure to give him one bucket with floating cubes & another that's just plain water (be sure to break the cubes apart so they are small enough to float and grab at but not choke on).
Offering free choice salt or electrolytes can also stimulate your horse to drink more. I've had some luck with adding a small bottle of Gatorade / Powerade to a 5 gallon bucket of water. The sugary flavor can entice many picky drinkers to try a sip.
Signs Of Colic To Look Out For:
If you happen to see any of the following signs of colic it is always a good idea to call your vet for a quick check up.
Better to be safe than sorry!
Restlessness and pawing at the ground
Stall walking / pacing
Sweating and increased breathing rate
Irritated kicking to the stomach
Flank watching
Stretching as if to urinate
Rolling or attempting to roll
Elevated pulse rate
Stay safe & enjoy this wonderful Fall weather!