Yeah.. that's when stuff like THIS is going to happen.. Let's Not Go There.. K?
Instead.. Let's get a cool new helmet from Charles Owen, for 20% off and wear it like a BOSS.
You Like Us, And We Like You Too, so ..
Save 20% on a CO helmet for International Helmet Awareness Day and PUT A LID ON IT!
#mindyourmelon #ihad15!
I don't always get to ride...
But when I do.. I always ride with a helmet!
I wont lie, sometimes it's begrudgingly because it's 1k degrees
with 90% humidity.-- But I still put a lid on it and slap it on my head..
No excuses! Mind your melon and put a lid on it! - Unlike your arm,
your brain won't mend in that hot pink cast.
Happy Riding, see you at the in gate!